Website Revisted

February 9, 2024 (1y ago)

After almost a year of ignoring my site, I have finally launched the database (PostgreSQL) and the site with Vercel! I have added dark mode, so if your browser, or system preferences are set to prefer dark mode, the entire site will dynamically change!

I have added a projects section, as these last few years have been pretty tough to find an internship or entry level role, and I plan to add a lot more to it. There are currently two projects posted that I am pretty proud of, but I am really excited to add my current project once that is done: Pentesting a commerce website!!

Some frameworks that I've seen in the past year that really excite me is three.js, so maybe I will learn Blender (Software for Graphic Design) down the road and make a 3D rendered website like this!

Be patient! I have lots to showcase, but I have been too busy putting my head down and coding... and surfing too.